Bone Density Jumps Download
Instructor's name: Linda Stejskal
Type of Workout: cardio
Fitness Level: Intermediate
Equipment Needed: none
Total Running Time: 10 Minutes
Format: MP4 HD Download (for more information click here) ALSO AVAILABLE ON DVD
Welcome to my Bone Density series. These workouts are designed to help you to put the right amount of stress on your bones and joints to signal to your body to make them stronger. There are workouts with varying amounts of impact such as jumps and stomps on the floor or off a step as well as non-traditional strength training to teach you how to gain muscle and increase bone density without expensive gym memberships or equipment.
Bone Density Jumps is a short workout you can use as a warm up or for some extra cardio to really elevate your heart rate and impact your bones. You will go through all different types of jumps/hops with varying angles and with the ability to keep it small or ramp it up. Unless you have pain or injury you don't have to be afraid of impact when it is controlled and with good form. Wear footwear if needed and workout on a shock absorbing surface or even do this workout on a rebounder. And don't be fooled, this one will leave you breathless!
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